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What's a to-do?


A To-Do item is some work the user has to tackle later.


This feature was thought to be the sparkle of proactivity in Mojodex. The idea is that your assistant manages your To-Do list seamlessly while you're tackling your task with its help.

The vision of the todo-list feature is to manage itself without you having to think about it.

Mojodex usage

Generating to-dos items

When running a task on Mojodex, user may mention some next steps it has to take regarding this task.

Example: - get in touch in 3 days - send follow-up email - prepare a quote ...

Once the task is done, the assistant will extract any mentionned next step, turn it into a to-do item and organize it in user's to-do list.

To-do list extracted from achieved tasks

This way, in their to-do list, users can access the list of any work to-do mentioned to their assistant while working on tasks. Users can manage their to-do list by deleting items that might not be relevant or marking some as completed as soon as they have worked on it.

Each to-do item comes with a "scheduled_date", representing the deadline to achieve this work. This date is defined by the assistant at to-do creation.

Proactive organization: Organize & Remind the user

For users not to forget their pending work, a daily email is sent to them every morning containing:

  • The list of to-do items due for the day
  • An eventual summary of the re-organization work done by the assistant during the night

Re-organization consists in re-scheduling for later any to-do items that should have been achieved by the day before but have not been marked as completed.

User action

User keeps control on their To-Do list by: - Deleting items that might not be relevant - Marking some as completed as soon as they have worked on it

To go further

Learn how the todo-list feature works in the technical documentation