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Azure deployment


To deploy Mojodex on Azure Cloud, here is a list of required services:

Azure Container Registry

Your registry will contain the Docker images of Mojodex: - backend - background - webapp

App Service Plan

The App Service Plan will be useful to create 3 App Services - cf next section.

App Services

3 App Services will be created: - backend - background - webapp

Container instances

A container instance will be created to run the scheduler.

Storage Account (File Share)

A storage account will be used as volume for the backend and background services. It will store users data.

PostgreSQL flexible server

A PostgreSQL flexible server will be used for Mojodex database.

Deploying on Azure for the first time


  • Install Azure CLI
  • Login to your Azure account
    az login
  • Set your active subscription
    az account set --subscription <subscription_id>

To deploy on Azure for the first time, we've made a script for you. Here is the process:

  1. Check environment variables defined in deployment/azure_env_variables files. Set your secrets.
  2. Set your own models providers credentials in models confs files.
  3. In the script deployment/, check that every names and sku fit your needs.
  4. Launch the script from deployment folder
    cd deployment

You will be prompted for: - DATABASE password - Scheduler secret Other secrets are defined in environment variables files.

After the script is done, you may have to restart the services from the portal to ensure everything is up and running with full configuration. When everything is up, you can access the webapp from its url.

Updating the existing Azure deployment

The documentation to update your existing Azure deployment is available in deployment/ once you've run the first deployment script.