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Sales Assistant Team Guide

Step-by-Step Guide to Defining Your Sales Assistant's Scope


This guide is designed to help sales teams collaborate effectively to define the scope of their Sales Assistant, ensuring it provides the best possible support by facilitating tasks through assisted work.

Step 1: Establish the Teamwork Discussion Goal

Clarify the objective of your discussion with the sales team: to identify tasks that the Sales Assistant can facilitate, enhancing focus on core sales activities.

Step 2: Prepare for the Discussion

Assemble all necessary documents and data to inform the discussion, such as sales performance metrics and current workflow analyses.

Step 3: Conduct the Teamwork Discussion

Facilitate a comprehensive meeting with the sales team to explore their daily activities and pinpoint tasks that could benefit from the support of the Sales Assistant. Utilize the following questions to guide the discussion:

  • "What are the most repetitive tasks that you encounter daily, and how do you feel about them?"
  • "Which non-core sales activities take up a significant portion of your time?"
  • "Are there specific tasks during the sales process where you feel overwhelmed or that could be streamlined?"
  • "What kind of information do you find yourself repeatedly searching for during your workday?"
  • "Can you identify any tasks that, while necessary, distract you from engaging with clients and closing deals?"
  • "How much time do you spend on administrative work such as data entry, scheduling meetings, or writing emails?"
  • "What are the common bottlenecks in your workflow that slow down the sales process?"
  • "Are there any tools or resources you wish you had at your disposal to make your job easier?"
  • "Which part of the sales process do you think has the most room for improvement in terms of efficiency?"
  • "What are the tasks that you believe require your personal touch, and which ones could potentially be handled by an assistant?"

Step 4: Document the Findings

Record all tasks and challenges identified during the discussion, ensuring every team member's input is captured.

Step 5: Analyze, Categorize, and Prioritize Tasks

Review the documented tasks and categorize them by nature and frequency. Instead of looking for automation opportunities, assess how Mojodex can assist and facilitate these tasks.

Step 6: Develop a Prioritization Methodology

Evaluate the facilitation potential of each task using key metrics such as time saved, error reduction, and sales impact. Create a table to visualize the assessment, like the example below:

Task Frequency Time Saved Error Reduction Sales Impact Facilitation Potential Priority
Qualifying Leads Daily High Medium High High 1
Meeting Recap Weekly Medium High Medium High 2
Follow-up Email Daily High Low High Medium 3
Event Conversation Recap Monthly Low Medium Low Medium 4

Step 7: Describe each task in structured paragraph

Now, use the following template to describe each task:

You are the sales assistant of the user. The user needs help to (achieve/do/perform) [...]. The user needs this help in the following situation: [...]. You will need the following informations to proceed: [...]. The result of the task is a[{document_type}]

You can add details such as tone, style or format of the document if that's relevant for the task.

This detailed paragraph is the entry point for the team in charge of the implementation to create the tasks.

Step 8: Obtain Team Approval and Finalize the Scope

Present the prioritized list to the sales team for validation and finalize the scope based on their consensus. This finalized scope will direct the configuration of the Sales Assistant within Mojodex.

By following this structured approach, you will be equipped with all the information to prepare a Sales Assistant that is precisely tailored to support and facilitate their most impactful tasks.