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Task creation example

Let's say you want to create a specific task for your assistant. Here is an example of how to do it.

We take a fictional example of a salesperson, Mia, who needs to assistance to refine her sales pitch.

Crafting the Perfect Sales Pitch with Mojodex


In the bustling heart of a startup district, I recently crossed paths with Mia, a passionate salesperson navigating the turbulent seas of entrepreneurship. Over coffee and conversations, Mia confided in me her struggles. Amidst the dynamic landscape of ever-evolving offers, she found herself grappling with a persistent dilemma - how to keep her pitch razor-sharp without succumbing to the dreaded "white page syndrome."

Understanding the Process

As we delved deeper, Mia unveiled the anatomy of her sales pitch:

  • Identifying the Problem: Articulating the core issue her company and product address.

  • Presenting the Solution: Conveying how her offering tackles the identified problem.

  • Highlighting Uniqueness: Showcasing what sets her company and product apart from competitors.

  • Defining the Target Market: Painting a vivid picture of the ideal customer.

Additionally, Mia emphasized the need for brevity, stressing that her pitch must be succinct yet captivating, always concluding with a compelling question to spark dialogue.

Crafting the Task

Eager to assist Mia in her quest for the perfect pitch, I set out to create a tailored task on Mojodex. Drawing from our conversation, I meticulously crafted a task specification:

Task Specification

    "platforms": [
    "task_type": "instruct",
    "predefined_actions": [],
    "task_displayed_data": [
            "language_code": "en",
            "name_for_user": "1 Minute Pitch",
            "definition_for_user": "Prepare a 1 minute pitch to briefly present your company and product",
            "json_input": [
                    "input_name": "company_and_product_informations",
                    "description_for_user": "Let's make a great pitch!",
                    "description_for_system": "Information about the company and product (ex: company background, product, target market, unique selling points)",
                    "placeholder": "What problem are you solving? How do you solve it? What makes you different from other solutions? Who is your ideal customer?",
                    "type": "text_area"
    "name_for_system": "create_one_minute_pitch",
    "definition_for_system": "The user needs assistance to create a 1-minute pitch for presenting their company and product",
    "final_instruction": "Write a 1-minute pitch to briefly present the company and product; finish with a question to engage conversation.",
    "output_format_instruction_title": "1 MINUTE PITCH - COMPANY NAME",
    "output_format_instruction_draft": "PITCH CONTENT",
    "output_type": "document",
    "icon": "🎤",
    "infos_to_extract": [
            "info_name": "problem_solved",
            "description": "The problem the company and product are solving"
            "info_name": "solution",
            "description": "How the company and product solve the problem"
            "info_name": "unique_selling_points",
            "description": "What makes the company and product different from other solutions"
            "info_name": "target_market",
            "description": "The target market represented by an ideal customer description"
    "result_chat_enabled": true

Note how:

  • The infos_to_extract lists all the information Mia - and now her assistant - needs to craft her pitch.

  • The final_instruction provides a clear directive to the assistant, ensuring the pitch is concise and ends with a question as Mia requested.

  • The user data are clear so that Mia easily finds the task and knows what to expect.

With this JSON file carefuly crafted, I just need to use the REST API to update the task list in the database.

ℹ️ You can see how to do this in the new_task section

Tweak it until the user love it

After a couple tries, Mia and I decided to tweak it a bit. We added a twist to the "final_instruction" to fit best with Mia's preferences.

ℹ️ To update a task, refer to the backend REST API


With the task configuration complete, I eagerly shared it with Mia through Mojodex.

Now armed with a personalized tool perfectly aligned with her needs in her pocket with her Mojodex Mobile, Mia can effortlessly craft compelling pitches, leaving behind the days of writer's block and embracing the art of persuasive communication with confidence.