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Hubspot integration

Hubspot integration stands as a demonstration of how to integrate a third-party service with the platform. The integration is implemented as an action on task result to export a produced text directly to Hubspot.


Using Hubspot integration requires setting an HUBSPOT_ACCESS_TOKEN variable in the .env file of Mojodex project. The access token can be obtained from the Hubspot account settings.

For the "export to Hubspot" button to be display in mobile application, ensure the HUBSPOT_BUTTON variable is set to "true" in the .env file of the mobile application.

Export task result


On the backend side, the integration is implemented as 2 routes. Resources can be found in backend/app/routes/integrations/ file.

  • GET route: retrieves n_results from search_type ('companies', 'contacts' or 'deals') which name starts with search_string. This route is used for user to browse their Hubspot account and select the entity to which the text will be exported.

  • POST route: exports the task result associated with produced_text_version_pk as an engagement_type (among 'notes', 'emails', 'calls' and 'meetings') to associated_object_id of associated_object_type (among 'companies', 'contacts' or 'deals').


On frontend side, only mobile application supports Hubspot integration for now. The integration is implemented as an export button in the task result details view.

The button opens a modal with a form to select the entity to which the text will be exported.

Hubspot form 1 Hubspot form 2 Hubspot form 3 Hubspot form 4 Hubspot form 5

Future work - Hubspot as third party tool

  • Implement a tool to browse Hubspot entities past notes
  • Use this tool to create a background task Pre-call Brief: Create a concise summary of past interactions with the individual prior to initiating a business-oriented phone call.