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Global Architecture


Mojodex Architecture is built upon the foundational principles of System 1/System 2 abstraction, a concept derived from cognitive psychology.

  • System 1 represents fast, intuitive, and unconscious thinking.
  • System 2 embodies slower, deliberate, and analytical thought processes.

By integrating these cognitive frameworks into its design, Mojodex aims to create a digital assistant system that combines the rapid responsiveness of System 1 with the careful decision-making of System 2.

This documentation provides an overview of Mojodex's architecture, exploring how these cognitive principles inform its structure and functionality.

Learn more about the System 1/System 2 abstraction

Architecture Overview

Architecture Overview


Component Role Documentation Link
Backend Communication hub for real-time dialogue and management of application business logic. Mojodex's Backend serves as the digital counterpart to System 1 thinking. Backend Documentation
Background Handles intensive tasks behind-the-scenes. Useful for Long-Running Processes and Batch Data Processing. Mojodex's Background embodies the deliberate nature of System 2 thinking. Background Documentation
Scheduler Executes code at specific times/intervals. Mojodex's Scheduler embodies a proactive aspect akin to System 2 thinking Scheduler Documentation
Database Stores and manages data Database Documentation
Mobile App Interface for mobile devices Mobile App Documentation
Web App Interface for web browsers Web App Documentation
Next Proxy Manages and authenticates requests from the webapp interface to the backend. Next Proxy Documentation