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The scheduler is responsible for running tasks at specific times or intervals. It is useful for running tasks that are not directly related to a user's request, like sending emails or notifs to a group of users. It is also useful for proactivity, to let Mojo work on something by checking state of a user or a task at a certain frequency and act accordingly.


Mojodex's Scheduler has 2 main directory containing:

  • Scheduled tasks scheduler/app/scheduled_tasks
  • Time based tasks scheduler/app/time_based_tasks

Those tasks are run thanks to the scheduler/app/ file that keeps the scheduler running and checks for tasks to run using the schedule library.

while True:

Scheduled tasks

Scheduled tasks contains code that are run at a specific frequency.

### Abstract class named ScheduledTask that has a method job() and a constructor that runs  schedule.every(X), X being the number of seconds between executions (param)
from abc import ABC, abstractmethod
import schedule

class ScheduledTask(ABC):

    def __init__(self, n_seconds):

    def job(self):
        """Method that will be executed every n_seconds seconds"""

As Mojodex's Scheduler does not have database access, Scheduled tasks jobs are Backend or Background API calls. Performed at a regular interval, they are useful for checking the state of a user or a task and act accordingly.

The Scheduled tasks are implemented in the scheduler/app/ file.

# Scheduled tasks
PurchasesExpirationChecker(3600) # check ended free_plan every 1 hour
ExtractTodos(600) # extract todos every 10 minutes
RescheduleTodos(3600) # reschedule todos every 1 hour
if push_notifications:
    SendDailyNotifications(3600) # send daily notifications every 1 hour (filtered by timezone)
if emails:
    #SendDailyEmails(3600) # send daily emails every 1 hour (filtered by timezone)
    SendTodoDailyEmails(3600) # send todo daily emails every 1 hour (filtered by timezone)
    CheckDisengagedFreeTrialUsers(86400)  # check disengaged free trial users every day

Time based tasks

Time based tasks contains code that are run at a specific time of the day.

from abc import ABC, abstractmethod
import schedule

class TimeBasedTask(ABC):

    def __init__(self, hour=10, minute=0, second=0, weekday=None,):
        if weekday is not None:
            schedule.every()"{hour}:{minute}:{second}").do(self.job) if weekday == 0 else None
            schedule.every()"{hour}:{minute}:{second}").do(self.job) if weekday == 1 else None
            schedule.every()"{hour}:{minute}:{second}").do(self.job) if weekday == 2 else None
            schedule.every()"{hour}:{minute}:{second}").do(self.job) if weekday == 3 else None
            schedule.every()"{hour}:{minute}:{second}").do(self.job) if weekday == 4 else None
            schedule.every()"{hour}:{minute}:{second}").do(self.job) if weekday == 5 else None
            schedule.every()"{hour}:{minute}:{second}").do(self.job) if weekday == 6 else None

    def job(self):
        """Method that will be executed at the specified time"""

For now, Mojodex Scheduler doesn't have any time based tasks. Indeed, when running code for a user at a specific time, it is often more relevant to adapt to the user's timezone (for example, to process To-Do rescheduling while user is sleeping). Therefore, a Scheduled task is more appropriate to trigger a backend call every hour and filter the concerned users by timezone.

System 1/System 2 Abstraction

In alignment with the System 1/System 2 framework, Mojodex's Scheduler embodies a proactive aspect akin to System 2 thinking.

It functions as the deliberate planner within Mojodex, orchestrating scheduled code execution and empowering the assistant to take preemptive actions based on predefined criteria. Just as System 2 engages in deliberate planning and decision-making, the Scheduler ensures the efficient and effective operation of Mojodex by executing tasks at specific times or intervals, optimizing the assistant's performance in a systematic and thoughtful manner.